There came the night I couldn't forget
I saw you standing near the shoreline bathed in light
I stood still, unsure if to be frightened or to faint
But you look up, smiled and beckoned me to come near
I did so, with my heart shouting loudly in my ears
I step closer and there my feet touch the waves
I shivered as the bottom of my dress become soaking wet
I reached out my hand to feel you if you’re real
But my hand met the coldness of the air
You are there and yet not for real
My lips moved as if to talk
But you embraced me and whispered softly
“I came back to you…”
At least, I managed to ask “w-why?”
“I’m lonely in my world, I need you there…”
“B-but you’re dead, I’m still alive”
“Do you love me?” You whispered to me again
“Yes I do, you knew it long time ago…”
“Then come to me, we will be together again”
You break away from me and walk away
I protested “w-wait!”
You turned and replied to me… “Come and follow me.”
I saw you walking until you reached the middle of the sea
You shouted… “Come I
am waiting! I need you here with me.”
I followed you like an obedient child
I walked where you go
My head disappeared in the water
And everything turned dark
Then came the light out there and I saw you there
Your smile was the light that guided me to reach your side
At last I am near you and never will part with you again
You embraced me again and murmured in my ear
“Welcome home my darling… At long last you’re already here…”
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