Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Hidden "Beauty" Within Us

     Beauty if commonly define is a physical description of almost perfect human form, but beauty is also based on the eye of the beholder, so it has different varieties which conform to the opinion or taste of the one who is looking.  In today’s modern world many are lamenting at their lack of near-perfect features so the beauty industry is certainly a boom because being beautiful in physical sense is the trend of the new era.  If you like to have a pouting lips, a pointed nose, a high cheek bones, well proportioned body, etc… lots of cosmetics surgeries are available all over the world to give an immediate remedy to exterminate the inadequacy a person possess.    Sad to say, external beauty is the one that we always see, appreciates and give importance as if our life depended on it.  But our inner beauty is the most neglected, given less importance and locked away in dungeon and the key is thrown at the very depth of the sea retrieving it needs time, extreme effort and determination.

Little of us knew that hidden beauty even if the most neglected is the one that played the most important role in our life since inner beauty is our true self that has yet to emerge.  To uncover the inner beauty within us, we don’t need surgeries or drastic changes in our appearance.  We simply have to submit ourselves to life’s realities to understand what’s lurking deep inside us.  Why is it important for us to discover our beauty within?  It’s very important in the sense that it’s our true self that we are talking about, our true self that needs to be recognized, appreciated and well understood.  In discovering our inner beauty we promulgate our worth as an individual and we receive the reward of being respected for who we really are.  This doesn’t mean that we will boost our own ego to high level and make us a proud person it should be the other way around.  If we discover our inner beauty we will in fact embrace humility and be detach from worldly things since we will be aware of what matters most in life.
I came accross on the dictionary the other definition of 'beauty' which is very much appropriate on my topic.  It says:  beauty are the qualities that give pleasure to the senses.  Exactly this kind of beauty is the one that should emerge from us, it should be good qualities indeed to give pleasure to others, it doesn't necessarily mean that you have to be a man or woman but just be the person that you are now because everyone of us has beauty witihin that just needs polishing.  In all my life as a writer and also my working abroad helps, I encountered many types of people from different races and with different characters and I could honestly say that to anyone whatever color of the skin, the good character of a person always leaves a more lasting and excellent impression than the mere physical beauty alone.  I met a lot of persons with physical appearance to wow a crowd but they simply lack good qualities in character so the beauty they posses lack luster like a diamond buried in a thick mud we cannot see the glitter, and I met a few whose looks are very ordinary but if you can see inside their heart and mind you will feel that you won jackpot in the lottery because these people are so rare.  However, one reality in life is that, if a person was born in this world, his or her tendencies are to be physical, we need everything to be tangible to some extent that if we are not seeing that thing or person we tend to forget the existence because the physical presence is not frequently there.  It has been my observation also that it easily pleases us if things or  persons are pleasing also to our eyesight.  Good example are the actresses and actors, because of their good looks we adore and praise them, more than the good deeds of the saints.  The reasons behind are because physical beauty instantly merit compliment because it is seen, accessible and advantageous in lot of ways while the good deeds of the saints althought very noble and good, it will take time and effort from us to discover and appreciate its true beauty.  But to unleash the beauty within us, no need for us to be a saint, we can just be the person that we are now but with fuller understanding of who we are and what's the true purpose of our subsistence.

Understanding of who we are is just actually simple, it's only by acknowledging the fact that we are not perfect and life is not perfect either.  We can live a happy life if we give allowances to our mistakes because mistakes balances our lives.  Mistake will teach us what is right and will teach us also important lessons that will prompt us to advance ahead from our present mindset.  Committing mistakes make us more human and help us put our feet into the gound.  If we don't commit mistake we will never learn what humility mean, we will live in a pedestal considering ourselves better than others.  Being good all the time although frequently advised will make us proud too because if we are conforming always to what is right it will give us reason to easily judge others for their faults and wrong doings because there's no more fault in us, but if we have faults we will be more understanding, patient, open minded and compassionate to others.  Mistakes will help us learn the humane way of living in this world since we are all still human beings.  The saints, before they became holy they undergo many mistakes from their past lives before they submit themselves to be selfless.  Their mistakes were the reason even, why they became a saint in the first place because they learned from these mistakes and taught them wise learnings. 

My only point is, from bad we can get good results too, so in every mistakes that we committed, it has relevant purpose in our lives that will show us direction to do something good.  I said this line in some of my writings before that 'life is like a coin always having two sides and one cannot exist without the other because even if they are two they are just actually one'.  See the coin? it has two sides but its only one in physical sense and life is also like that, the two sides of life are good and bad, good will not exist without bad and vice versa.  Good and bad always compliment each other as black color compliments white, imagine if all color will be black it will all be gloomy and dark and if it will be all white it will also be just plain and dull.  The same with love and hate, the world will never be a world of love, hatred will always exist because that's the other face of love.  When there's hatred you should learn how to love and when you love, you will learn also how to hate.  This is the way of life, life is just a constant change, a routine of rotation, from good to bad and bad to good from love to hatred and hatred to love from night to day and day to night.   So everything in life has a perfect combination that compliments each other, even if they are world apart different they still will not exist without the other.  This is what nature endowed in each of us, we have all the goodness and bad traits inside us because no man was ever born perfect.  The main point now is, by understanding our true self it will help us realize that life was created this way so we will have a more wider perspective on how to manage our life, how to accept things as they are and how to be more balanced.  If we have mistakes or adversities, we will not be confined to this negative state only because we know now that after the bad the good will certainly follows.  Its like after the rain, the sun will always shine, so if we have this way of thinking we can have a fuller understanding of who we really are.  A mistake committed by us should not be look upon only as faults but as an eye opener also that we have always a chance to change it to good that will be beneficial for our personal growth.  We should only know the relevant purpose and hidden message lurking behind a mistake and soon good outcome will surely follows. 

This is the true purpose of our existence, we are born in this world to commit mistakes and to learn from them so we become a better person even if we don't become a saint.  Just understanding this simple life principle can create big changes in our lives and can make us happy from inside and beautiful from outside.  This is the true meaning of beauty, if we polishes our beauty within us it will shine from inside us, making us feel youthful and happy for everybody to see and be inspired.  And by polishing it, means fuller understanding about lifes' realities.  Beauty just lay within us, waiting to emerge, let us just make an effort to make it come out in the open because we owe it to ourselves to free our inner beauty from a long time bondage.  The great feeling that we will feel after this, is like being imprisoned in dungeoon for how many years and finally set free! 

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Oriental Mindoro, Philippines
The author/blogger is a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration graduate major in Computer Management. She worked for several years in Abu Dhabi, UAE as Secretary/Document Controller and finally settles down for good in the Philippines as an entrepreneur and to continue her passion in writing. She authored more than thirty published romance pocket books and several horror/thriller stories under the pseudonym of KATHLEEN GUILLER and real name MA. FLORES GUIANAN-ISLER from leading publishers in the country. She also writes poems, articles and short stories here in her blog site (www.maflorisler@blogspot.com). Recently she finished working on an inspirational book (her dream book) and her first try in another genre of writing which she prefers working on nowadays. This book is to be publish in the Philippines this year. Her other inspirational books coming out soon are: - How to deal with your worst enemy - Wandering Soul - Loving or Leaving?

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