Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Role of Sex in Our Lives

     As I am looking at the pictures of the star fish and sea urchin, I couldn’t help thinking that these two sea creatures could be compared to sex and the role of it in our lives.  Maybe I am being funny but looking at these two sea creatures you can see both distinct beauty and danger, like beauty and the beast but on this case I am only talking about one thing but it possess two descriptions that contradict each other.  Sex is a hot stuff topic nowadays but there are still some who consider it a taboo to ever talk about.  In today’s modern world you can browse through internet anytime you want  and you can find almost everything you need to know about sex, from positions to applications.  I read  even before some ‘sexercise’ techniques to keep you fit, healthy and happy sexually.  However, if we think of it in a deeper sense, what is indeed the role of sex in our lives?  Is it a necessity or can we just live without it?
     In my encounters from chat online before, I was shocked at first at the lewd and vulgar manner in which many persons treated sex, and you can see from their approaches that they just consider sex as just something to do to pass the time, like scratching an itch when feeling horny and indulging on it without any feelings at all even to a complete stranger just to satisfy the craving of their flesh and to forget about it later.  My shocked reaction over this crude behavior was replaced by questions, why some people are doing like this?  Why some people treated sex like it has no value and importance in human life?  Why sex is just treated like a cheap commodity?  I think I had hundreds of 'why'  that needs an answer but I came also into  a realization that it's only me who could satisfy my inquisitive mind.  If we will only be judgmental it will be very easy to judge these kind of people from their inappropriate behavior.  We can think that they are mentally sick, weird and even pervert to act that way.  However, if we will broaden our mind, we can hold back our judgment because we will consider the fact that we don't know them personally, we don't know  the real reason why they were prompted to act in a vulgar manner.  We have individual differences, so of course we also have different point of views,  opinions and tendencies, hence,  we can never judge others for what they are because it's their opinion and tendencies that's involved and not ours.  If it's wrong to us, it doesn't necessarily mean that it could be wrong also to others.  Other people have different minds, past lives and experiences, so we could never impose to them that this is right and this is wrong.  What could be right to us, it could be wrong to others and what is wrong to others could be right to us.  Our views in life even if it's the most perfect as per our opinion is not always right, so it's only normal that most of us will not meet on the same wavelength.
     In my opinion, the culprit  why sex today has lessen it's value, the blame is to be laid only in ourselves.  Sex can be found everywhere, be it visual, artificial, service offered  and even through internet.  Anyone can pay for sex, can have it for free and even through impulsive action or inclination.  We made sex very easy and accessible anytime and anywhere.  As goes the saying that anything  we get easy, we also forget easy, so of course the value of it will  lessen in our very own eyes, we can never truly appreciate its worth because it's just easy for us to possess it.  These practices are like an uncurable disease that will never deminish on earth, it will only grow worst because as time become more modern and liberated sex will only turn depreciated from its own real value. 
     But what is sex?  Personally, I define sex as an action of love between two persons who want to show or express their love to each other physically. Sex can be the most awesome and amazing experience a human being could ever have if he or she were doing this act because of the special feelings they have for each other.  Sex can deepen a relationship, make it more stronger and binding but sex can also destroy trust and respect if not mutually desired.  Sex is a responsibility because a human being can be created through sexual intercourse and its a fulfillment both physically and emotionally if you did it with the right person, in short, sex is  beautiful yet dangerous too if not responsibly handled because it can destroy us  emotionally and can rip away from us our self respect and worth as an individual.
     Men and woman in general has different view when it comes to sex, men are more liberated while most women are still conservative.  Men can be forward while women tend to hold back.  In one of my discussion among my friends, one opinion says that sex is a necessity, one cannot live without it, but I contradicted the opinion, for me, sex is not a necessity but a choice to have an intimate physical contact to the person you choose to be the right one for you.  It is never a must-to-have in our lives, we can live without it, our lives are not dependent on it.  Sex can even create complications that we can only regret in the end, so it's not worthy to give even a try in the first place if we know that we will only lose and get hurt in the end.  But as I said, it's all a matter of opinions and choices because we are all created different, so we will not always meet on the same wavelength.  However, we could salvage some remnants of the damage we created on how we value sex, we should at least give respect on it through words and actions.  We were all born from physical contacts of our parents, so we should keep sex in a respectable image since it's still part of our very own nature.   Yes, we cannot deny the fact that sex is being treated like just a cheap commodity on sale nowadays but at least let our minds not be corrupted that this is only the value of sex, sex is still an act done with intense emotion, we make it especial because by nature it is indeed special.  This is the role that sex played in our lives, to make us feel special and beloved and to give back this feelings in return, therefore let us not tarnish sex by just playing it dirty.  It's the very essence of the creation of every human being, so sex can never be cheap, we are only the one making it cheap.  Let us just open our minds that despite these bad things happening around us, sex is still beautiful and the most fulfilling act on earth.  Let's always consider it with exceptional feeling and respect not just mere craving... 

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Oriental Mindoro, Philippines
The author/blogger is a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration graduate major in Computer Management. She worked for several years in Abu Dhabi, UAE as Secretary/Document Controller and finally settles down for good in the Philippines as an entrepreneur and to continue her passion in writing. She authored more than thirty published romance pocket books and several horror/thriller stories under the pseudonym of KATHLEEN GUILLER and real name MA. FLORES GUIANAN-ISLER from leading publishers in the country. She also writes poems, articles and short stories here in her blog site ( Recently she finished working on an inspirational book (her dream book) and her first try in another genre of writing which she prefers working on nowadays. This book is to be publish in the Philippines this year. Her other inspirational books coming out soon are: - How to deal with your worst enemy - Wandering Soul - Loving or Leaving?

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